Frost Valley 2014


The summers that I spent at Kutsher’s Sports Academy were some of my fondest memories growing up. I wanted my children to have the the same positive experience that I had, so my wife and I arranged for the kids to attend Frost Valley again. Since my wife is one of the camp nurses I feel comfortable that they are all safe and sound. She is able to quietly check on them and make sure they are fine and happy. I dropped them off on Sunday for two weeks of fun while I start working on some projects I have put off for far too long. But the house is now entirely too quiet and my insomnia is full effect.

My daughter was happy about going to Frost Valley again but my son was majorly pissed at me. He said that the summer vacation has started and he is missing prime Xbox and skateboarding time. He wanted to stay home to sit in front of the Xbox all day and I wasn’t having it. I know kids that would kill to go to summer camp but my son does this every year. He is pissed for the first day and then he and his sister damn near throw a fit when you come to pick them up two weeks later because they don’t wanna leave their friends. The truth is that I was ready to let him stay home with me this year. However the wife said that him staying in the house playing video games and eating Chinese food for two weeks with his father wouldn’t set the right tone. Wimmen, bah humbug!