I wanted to share with you a recently published article on the topic of the student motivation that I authored. The title of the piece is “Motivating at Risk African Americans and Hispanics Through the Study of New Media Technology“. The peer-reviewed article was based on many of the interactions that I have had over the years with my amazing students. The primary focus of the research was on how to inspire African American and Hispanic students by using digital media. However, the principles and techniques described can be applied to students of all races and cultures. The article was published in the second edition of the Hispanic Educational Technology Services (HETS) Online Journal. The digital copy of the journal can be found here in pdf format.
New Who coming soon
The new season of Doctor Who launches April 23 on the BBC and BBC America. I honestly can’t wait. I didn’t think that Matt Smith was going to be as good as he was on the show. And while I still miss David Continue reading “New Who coming soon”
LaGuardia New Student Orientation
This week I had the opportunity to be a Faculty Leader during LaGuardia’s Spring 2011 New Student Orientation seminar. The purpose of the seminar is to introduce incoming Freshmen to all of the programs, services and activities available at LaGuardia. The hope is that by giving students a comprehensive introduction to student life at LaGuardia, their transition to college will be a satisfying experience. It is also a great way for faculty and students to interact outside of the traditional classroom setting.
iPad 2…..ehh!
Overall, I was very disappointed at what Apple announced today concerning their much anticipated update to the iPad. Let me state for the record that I absolutely love my 1st generation iPad. I love it so much that I touched my Kindle and netbook for the first time in months the other day only to brush the dust off of them as I was cleaning up my bedroom. And I loved both of those devises when they Continue reading “iPad 2…..ehh!”
Old LaGuardia New Media Student Videos
I was backing up a few of my old hard drives and came across some old student work that I had forgotten. The following video was shot by some of my New Media Technology students back in 2008. The students that produced the video were all students in my HUW163 Internet Video and DVD Production class. The video was a solid Continue reading “Old LaGuardia New Media Student Videos”
Training sir! What kind of training??? Wooooordpress training sir!!
Over the winter term I took a two day advanced course in WordPress Theme customization at Noble Desktop. For all of the the non techies, WordPress is a popular open source content management system used by bloggers and web site owners around the world. The popularity of WordPress Continue reading “Training sir! What kind of training??? Wooooordpress training sir!!”
Giving thanks
After what has been one of worst couple of months in recent history for me it was good to sit back and reflect on how lucky I am to have certain people in my life. Regardless of life’s up and downs, I know that I am a lucky, lucky man. Plus it was a relatively mellow family gathering. Well as mellow as our family gatherings get.
They are not dolls! They are action figures damnit!!!
My wife continues to give me grief over the only things that I bought for myself at the 2010 NYC Comic Con. Contrary to her assessment, correct name for these items are “collectible action figures” and not “man dolls”. I have been wanting to try my hand at some advanced stop motion movies, so didn’t feel to bad about picking them up. My son and I did a basic lego Star Wars stop action a few years Continue reading “They are not dolls! They are action figures damnit!!!”
2010 NYC Comic Con
Just a quick video on my weekend with the kids at the Comic Con. I was extremely proud of my 9 year old son who shot and edited much of the above video on his own. I am hoping to spark his desire to become an indie filmmaker. We picked up a bunch of collectible action figures Continue reading “2010 NYC Comic Con”
Congrats to the Class of 2010
LaGuardia’s annual Commencement exercises took place earlier this week and I just wanted to wish all of the graduates of the class of 2010 success and happiness in the future. I specifically want to congratulate all of the following New Media Technology gradu Continue reading “Congrats to the Class of 2010”