While I am saddened by his passing, Chadwick Boseman leaves behind an impressive legacy that will not be forgotten, especially not by his own people.
It is amazing what you find when you start cleaning out your closets. This is a high altitude training mask I bought a few years back. I used it a number of times when training overseas. I changed the filters out so that it no longer simulates breathing at Colorado type altitudes. Now it works great as a general protection unit.
I finally got around to doing a proper unboxing of the Marvel Legend Series Infinity Gauntlet. I had been looking for this for a few months since I missed the original release earlier this year. Luckily I found a great site out of the UK called Merchoid that had a few of these left. And at the original price, not the inflated collectable ones found on Ebay.
Whovians Unite!! #theta360 – Spherical Image – RICOH THETA
The Batcave is finally starting to look good.
Halloween is one of my favorite holidays of the year. If I am being honest I would rate it a close second only to Christmas in terms pure fun and excitement. It has been this way for me as long as I can remember. Halloween was a time for me to totally release my inner nerd/geek without fear of being looked at as strange. Every year I went dressed as one of my favorite comic book characters. I was having a hard time Continue reading “Superhero Halloween Mashup!”
Chilling with the whole Justice League at the 2016 NY Comic Con. #nycomiccon #theta360 – Spherical Image – RICOH THETA
This year I took my Ricoh Theta 360 camera to Comic Con in order to get something other than the traditional cosplay photos. I have to admit that this whole 360 immersive photo stuff is starting to grow on me.
This week I argue with the guys about why Captain America: Civil War was infinitely better than Batman vs Superman. We also discuss the latest Game of Thrones episode and breakdown Continue reading “NY Cine Radio Episode 205: Civil War”
As a lifelong comic book fan, and a kid born and raised in Harlem, I absolutely loved this trailer for Luke Cage series. The music from Nas almost made me scream. It was perfect! The series drops on Netflix in September. Fans got a brief taste of Cage in Continue reading “Luke Cage: King of the town”