Bloomberg for President? Oh hell no!

I was recently featured in an article on the “Stop and Frisk” policy promoted and defended by Bloomberg during his time as Mayor of New York. A reporter from Vice saw one of my tweets which went semi-viral and wanted to know more about my opinion on the policy. The following article explains how I and a number of brothers were profiled, targeted and harassed by the NYPD for essentially the crime of being Black and Brown.

The Article can be found on the Vice web site at –

Post Detox Workout

Last day of the detox cleanse. Guess who forced me to get out of bed and go to kickboxing? I felt as weak at a kitten this morning. However on the upside, in 5 days I have dropped almost 12 pounds. The challenge is to not flip and camp out at iHOP or the Cheesecake Factory tomorrow.

Detox: Almost at the end!

Day 4 of my vegan detox. That means no sugar, salt, caffeine, meat, dairy or carbs. Feeling better than I thought I would. But the cravings are real. Last night I would have killed a man for a slice of toast.

Kobe Bryant was right.

The recent tragic death of Kobe Bryant and his daughter Gigi has deeply unsettled me, as it has to many of us. The only comforting thought I had about the entire tragedy was that at least they died together. I can think of nothing more unnatural than outliving your children.

I was never a fan of Kobe while he was a player, but I did come to respect him as a man who by all accounts was an amazing father who loved and supported his daughters. As a father with a young daughter of my own, I would agree that there is nothing better than being a “GirlDad”. If I know anything, I know I love my baby girl.

She was too young. It was too soon.

As I write this there are tears running down my face. I found out a little while ago that one of my favorite students just passed away.

I know that teachers aren’t supposed to have favorites, but we do, and Yani was one of mine. Yani and I were both Leo’s and anime fans who had a shared love of all the things related to Avatar and the Legend of Korra. She was a wonderful student and a very talented artist. She had a truly beautiful spirit and a mischievous smile that always made me laugh.

I will miss her greatly. She left this world far too soon.

Birthday surprise in Orlando

Jeff Ice and the fam

This year continues to have me reconnecting with old friends and loved ones. I had a great weekend in Orlando celebrating the birthday of my boy Ice. The only downside of the trip was that my boy Des couldn’t make it.

I have to thank his wife Lex for setting everything up and bringing us all together again! She flew us down, put us up at the crib, and even made sure that we had the best seats in the house during the Orlando Magic game. Which I must add was hysterical because after I stopped playing basketball I kinda lost all interest in the game. However during this sabbatical I have watched more basketball than I have in years. And court side seats are making me start to rethink my position. Ice hit the jackpot when he married her! We gotta all get together again before I have to back to work!

Continue reading “Birthday surprise in Orlando”

I will not hurl: My First 5k Race

My wife talked me into skipping part of the 3rd day of the NY Comic Con in order to do something together as a couple. So I got up at 5:30am to drive two hours to Woodstock, NY to run in a fuggin’ Wine Festival Half Marathon. A WINE FESTIVAL! I hate wine. She is running the half while I am running the 5k. I haven’t trained or run like this in years. Pray that the spirit of Batman watches over

Just another day in NYC – Bad Boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do?

I was on the way home the other day after a long day of meetings. And as soon as I step off the train I see cops, with their guys drawn, descend on a group of guys sitting in traffic. The street was totally blocked off so of course me and about 30 other people pull out our phones and start recording. I still have no idea what the hell happened. I was just pissed that it slowed me down from getting some stuff from the store.