Webinar: Creating Engaging Content

Here is the video from my recent webinar on “Creating Engaging Content for the Web and Social Media”. This was the second in a multi-part series of online seminars to educate potential students at CUNY School of Professional Studies about the field of new media. I decided to conduct the webinar because attracting users to build a sustainable social media presence for themselves or their organizations requires the Continue reading “Webinar: Creating Engaging Content”

Digital Disruption and the Cable Industry

Last week the New York Cine Radio hosts had a fairly raucous discussion about some of the new streaming services and how they might lead to the decline of cable. With the average cable bill floating at well over a hundred bucks a month it is not hard to wonder why consumers are starting to rebel against cable providers.

The poor customer service offered by these cable providers makes their industry ripe to be digitally disrupted. This is especially true when they bundle tons of low value channels that no one really wants with one or two great channels in order to charge a premium price.

We got drones!

Husban Quad Copter

The Husban H107 Mini quadrocopter, with built in HD camera, I ordered for Christmas finally arrived yesterday. This was fairly cheap and yet functional mini drone. I was interested in getting one for a few months now. I had decided to bite the bullet and snag one after visiting some of my colleagues in the media program at York College during a recent conference. They have integrated drones technology into various aspects of their new media curriculum, which covers everything from videography to programming. The visit made me think about Continue reading “We got drones!”

Bridging the Gaps in Digital Media

The following video is of a panel discussion I organized for the 13th Annual CUNY IT Conference back in December. The talk that took place was on the topic of designing digital media programs within higher education. I gathered a number of my colleagues from some of the digital media programs throughout CUNY to find out how they approach program design and the maintenance of curricula in evolving technical disciplines.

This has been an area that has been on my mind since completing the Periodic Program Review for the LaGuardia New Media Technology degree, as well Continue reading “Bridging the Gaps in Digital Media”

HTC RE – Time Lapse Test

This was my first attempt at time lapse video. I shot the video from my Manhattan office window and used the new HTC RE camera that I got for Christmas. It is a nice little low profile handheld point and shoot camera that captures HD video and 16 megapixel still photos. The camera also has a built in Time lapse feature and a built in wide angle lens for capturing everything you put in front of it.

The camera is also waterproof up to one meter (3.3 feet) for up to 30 minutes without an additional housing. The HTC Re is a periscope-shaped heir to the Flip and pistol-grip Sanyo Xacti pocket cameras while offering some of the durability of cameras like the GoPro. I have a Contour Roam camera that I regularly use when riding my bike and the RE stacks up very favorably to the action camera in terms of features and image quality.

I love it because the HTC camera is pure simplicity. In fact, there are only two buttons one the entire unit. The first is a Continue reading “HTC RE – Time Lapse Test”