Giving thanks

After what has been one of worst couple of months in recent history for me it was good to sit back and reflect on how lucky I am to have certain people in my life. Regardless of life’s up and downs, I know that I am a lucky, lucky man. Plus it was a relatively mellow family gathering. Well as mellow as our family gatherings get.

They are not dolls! They are action figures damnit!!!

My wife continues to give me grief over the only things that I bought for myself at the 2010 NYC Comic Con. Contrary to her assessment, correct name for these items are “collectible action figures” and not “man dolls”. I have been wanting to try my hand at some advanced stop motion movies, so didn’t feel to bad about picking them up. My son and I did a basic lego Star Wars stop action a few years Continue reading “They are not dolls! They are action figures damnit!!!”

They really want a dog.

We babysat a good friend’s dog for a few days and now the kids and wife have been bugging me to get one when we get home. Personally I think that they are all just missing our pet cat who passed away a few months ago. Problem is that I am not a big animal lover. Plus having a dog in NY can be kinda unfair. But mostly, I just hate picking up crap. Still I have to admit that Trixie was pretty fun to have around.

New Media Technology site launch

Media and Technolgy Website Logo

One of the reasons why I haven’t posted anything recently was because for the past month I have been working hard to finish all of the marketing and promotional materials for the new LaGuardia Media and Technology website. The New Media program had been without a web site since the college administration decided to relocate the New Media degree from the now dissolved Computer and Information Systems (CIS) department to the Humanities department. The relocation of the program offered me an opportunity to redesign the curriculum in a more effective way. However, all of the recent changes in the curriculum, as well as the physical relocation of the actual program had caused a bit of a confusion. The new website was merely one of the tools that we developed to minimize the pain of the transition.

More information on the LaGuardia Media and Technology programs can be found here:

Pets are family members too!

For the record, I am not a big animal lover. I don’t hate them or anything, but I am not one of those people that gets all giddy about being around them either. In fact, I always thought that animals could be a bit of a pain. They cough up hair balls, make noise, pee outside of the liter box at times, and can literally get underfoot when walking around the house at night. So it came as a total surprise and shock to me that I would be upset about the recent passing of our family cat. I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised because Ski and I had the cat for nearly 20 years. Hell, we had the cat longer than we had the kids. I actually found myself on the verge of tears the other day when I came home and realized that I no longer had to worry about leaving my leather boxing gloves lying on the couch because the kitty wasn’t there to scratch them up.

Mayor’s office: Futures in Film and New Media

Representatives from the Mayor’s Office of Film, Theater and Broadcasting came to speak to the students at LaGuardia. The event was sponsored by the LaGuardia Media Studies and New Media Technology programs. The visitors from Mayor Bloomberg’s office talked about training programs, diversity initiatives, and other opportunities for CUNY students Continue reading “Mayor’s office: Futures in Film and New Media”