NY Cine Video: Recap of the Marvel film lineup

Last week I had the opportunity to co-host the New York Cine Radio podcast on the upcoming Phase 3 movies to be released by Marvel Studios. The team at NY Cine Radio asked me to fill in for one of the regular hosts, Ken Powell, who is finishing up his last semester at college. I was slightly nervous about having enough to talk about, but luckily Marvel and DC had made a number of announcements about their movie and TV plans through 2020. The nerd world was in a total uproar over announcements Continue reading “NY Cine Video: Recap of the Marvel film lineup”

New York Cine Radio – The Halloween Podcast


Tom Seymour and the rest of the guys over at New York Cine Radio asked me to Skype in for their Halloween podcast special and do a small comic book and nerd culture segment. It was a new idea that they wanted to try out and the group thought that I would be the perfect person for the job.

I talked a little about the new Batman: Arkham Origins video game as well as some of the Continue reading “New York Cine Radio – The Halloween Podcast”

Open letter to Ben Affleck, or please shut up Matt Damon


Matt Damon was recently asked about his take on the Ben Affleck as Batman controversy. Damon, who is a long time friend of Affleck, stated that “Bruce Wayne is the more challenging part of the role, and Ben will be great at that”. He then went on to say that “Batman just sits there with his cowl over his head and whispers in a kinda gruff voice at people. Now I understand Matt Damon is just looking out for his boy, but the comments he made about how Batman isn’t a complex character came off as being more than a little ignorant and dismissive of the genre. In fact he only hurts Ben case by reinforcing a commonly held belief that Affleck doesn’t really take preparation for his roles seriously. I am hoping that Affleck does not share Damon’s feeling on Batman/Bruce Wayne or we could be in store for another Daredevil.

The studio isn’t going to back down so we are probably stuck with Affleck. So if I was to give Ben any advice it would be this; Continue reading “Open letter to Ben Affleck, or please shut up Matt Damon”

New York Cine Interview: The Wolverine


I was interviewed on the New York Cine Radio podcast again. It was the fifth appearance on the show and this time I was asked to give my take on the new Marvel Comic inspired movie. I had to Skype in for the discussion because I was in Oslo for my birthday, and as part of what I hope may become an ongoing tradition, the family had taken me to a summer blockbuster midnight premiere earlier in the week. The film was none other than “The Wolverine“. The Hugh Jackman spinoff of the popular X-Men franchise was the one of the most anticipated movies of the summer. It was also one of my last opportunities to see an enjoyable summer blockbuster after the disappointing Iron Man 3, Star Trek: Into the Darkness, and the heartbreaking Man of Steel. Luckily Hugh did not let me down.

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The 2011 NYC Comic Con

The NYC Comic-Con was in town so the kids and I engaged in our yearly ritual. They had been looking forward to it since we went last year. The wife tagged along again for her second year. She will never admit it but I think she is starting to enjoy the madness as well. The kids had a blast as usual.

I was shocked how many people that ran into at the event that I knew from academia and business. I guess being a nerd is no longer a bad thing. The photos from the weekend can be found below….. Continue reading “The 2011 NYC Comic Con”

They are not dolls! They are action figures damnit!!!

My wife continues to give me grief over the only things that I bought for myself at the 2010 NYC Comic Con. Contrary to her assessment, correct name for these items are “collectible action figures” and not “man dolls”. I have been wanting to try my hand at some advanced stop motion movies, so didn’t feel to bad about picking them up. My son and I did a basic lego Star Wars stop action a few years Continue reading “They are not dolls! They are action figures damnit!!!”