No more excuses


The other day I was talking to my old martial arts instructor, Kyoshi Giles, and musing over the fact that only fellow martial artists seem to understand how getting together with close friends to punch, kick, and stab one another over and over can be a beautiful thing. The camaraderie that can be developed by working out with other like minded individuals is not only fun, but also uplifting. I bring all this up because I had just returned from an early morning knife fighting class at the Krav Maga Federation and was feeling pretty good about getting back into the swing of training on a regular basis.

Over the past year or so I had made a number Continue reading “No more excuses”

Randori Roundup

Ken Freeman

Pete Muldoon’s seminar from the other day got me thinking about my first Judo lessons, and has me wondering why I ever stopped. From day one you learn how to jump and fall, all while wrestling your friends to the ground. No katas or forms, just controlled roughhousing. Randori, as judokas refer to it. As a kid I loved it. And while I have always gravitated more towards of the striking arts, Judo was one of the first martial arts that I was introduced to when I was younger. Alot of time has past since those days. In fact it had been so long that I was shocked when my mother told me that it had been more than twenty-five years since my last Judo tournament.

I  started taking Judo while I was a camper at Kutsher’s Sports Academy back in the late 70’s and early 80’s. The summers that I Continue reading “Randori Roundup”

A judo chop, chop, chop!!

After a week of really crappy weather it was great to get out of the house and attend a combat Judo seminar taught by Peter Muldoon this weekend. Pete, is a 3rd Dan black belt and one of the senior instructors at the Krav Maga Federation headquarters in Manhattan. He was gracious enough take time out of his schedule and share some of his knowledge of throws and takedowns with a group of us on a cold Sunday afternoon.

I had been looking forward to this seminar ever since Continue reading “A judo chop, chop, chop!!”