Every time I start questioning my choice of career, and I have been doing it a lot lately, I get a message like this from a former student and start to think that maybe the last 20 years of my professional life haven’t been a total waste of time.

As part of an alumni panel discussing life and career possibilities after graduation, I was invited once again to speak to students in the NYU Interactive Telecommunication Program. It was a great event, but I must admit to having a good laugh at the fact that I was the oldest person on the panel by far.
The funniest thing was when I mentioned the year I graduated a student in the front row mouthed the word “wow”. Dat’s right son, I’m a straight up ODG (Original Digital Gangsta)! Protect ya neck!
For those who are interested, here is the full video of the discussion I participated in during the recent 2015 CUNY IT Conference on the topic of “Online Learning: What’s in it for CUNY”.
We had a great session yesterday at the 14th annual CUNY IT conference held at John Jay College. The subject of the session I participated in was “Online Learning: What’s in it for CUNY”. The panel featured some of the most knowledgeable people within the City University system on the topic of how online education can best be implemented to the benefit of our students, faculty, and individual institutions.
The session was well attended and the discussion section of the panel spark a number of interesting debates on how CUNY needs to proceed with online education. In November of 2014 CUNY Chancellor James B. Milliken, speaking at a meeting of the Association for a Better New York, proclaimed Continue reading “CUNY IT Conference 2015: Online Learning”
I had an opportunity to participate on a faculty panel at LaGuardia Community College to discuss the topic of Black Males in Adult Education this week. I was invited to sit on the panel and critique “Swimming Upstream: Black Males in Adult Education” by my LaGuardia colleague, Dr. Joni Schwartz. The book was the first volume in a series of books that Joni and her colleagues are writing to give voice to important social and pedagogical topics issues facing Blacks in America.
The turnout for the faculty panel discussion was fairly large and it appeared Continue reading “Black Males & Learning to Swim Upstream”
Almost a year ago Shuprotim Bhaumik and the team from HR&A Advisors produced a comprehensive report on the New York City Tech Ecosystem and how it is generating economic opportunities for many New Yorkers (http://www.hraadvisors.com/nyctechstudy/). Last week Gail Mellow, President of LaGuardia Community College, had a number of the college faculty and staff attend another important meeting with the same team from HR&A.
Shuprotim and his team gave a presentation that went a step further than Continue reading “The NYC Tech Scene and Community Colleges”
The following video is of a panel discussion I organized for the 13th Annual CUNY IT Conference back in December. The talk that took place was on the topic of designing digital media programs within higher education. I gathered a number of my colleagues from some of the digital media programs throughout CUNY to find out how they approach program design and the maintenance of curricula in evolving technical disciplines.
This has been an area that has been on my mind since completing the Periodic Program Review for the LaGuardia New Media Technology degree, as well Continue reading “Bridging the Gaps in Digital Media”
This past Monday I conducted my first webinar on how individuals can leverage social media to achieve their personal and professional goals. In truth, I was more than a little nervous about the event since this was going to be my first live streamed lecture. The fact that we had a few hundred attendees sign up for the live stream also added to my anxiety. Maybe I shouldn’t have worried about it as much as I did, because so far the responses and feedback that I received Continue reading “Webinar: Leveraging Social Media”
This a short video excerpt of a discussion on the field of digital development and the upcoming changes to the New Media Technology program at LaGuardia Community College. Last year I was tasked with the responsibility of conducting the Periodic Program Review (PPR) for the New Media Technology program at LaGuardia. In drafting the PPR I was forced to research the current status of the industry in which the program was preparing students to enter in the hopes of developing a plan to assess the effectiveness of the major and improve student outcomes.
Based on the information discovered during my research, I Continue reading “New Media Tech Info Session”