NY Cine Video: Recap of the Marvel film lineup

Last week I had the opportunity to co-host the New York Cine Radio podcast on the upcoming Phase 3 movies to be released by Marvel Studios. The team at NY Cine Radio asked me to fill in for one of the regular hosts, Ken Powell, who is finishing up his last semester at college. I was slightly nervous about having enough to talk about, but luckily Marvel and DC had made a number of announcements about their movie and TV plans through 2020. The nerd world was in a total uproar over announcements Continue reading “NY Cine Video: Recap of the Marvel film lineup”

New York Cine Interview: The Wolverine


I was interviewed on the New York Cine Radio podcast again. It was the fifth appearance on the show and this time I was asked to give my take on the new Marvel Comic inspired movie. I had to Skype in for the discussion because I was in Oslo for my birthday, and as part of what I hope may become an ongoing tradition, the family had taken me to a summer blockbuster midnight premiere earlier in the week. The film was none other than “The Wolverine“. The Hugh Jackman spinoff of the popular X-Men franchise was the one of the most anticipated movies of the summer. It was also one of my last opportunities to see an enjoyable summer blockbuster after the disappointing Iron Man 3, Star Trek: Into the Darkness, and the heartbreaking Man of Steel. Luckily Hugh did not let me down.

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New York Cine – Man of Steel Podcast


Last night I headed out to the land called Astoria to sit down with the guys from New York Cine and talk to them about my perceptions on the new Superman film, Man of Steel. This was my forth time on the show but my first time with them live in the studio. I usually Skype in for the interviews, but this gave me a chance to meet all the guys in person. I always have a great time with them on these podcasts because they are true film and pop culture nerds like me. Anyway, it was a pretty good discussion. So check out the podcast below.

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VHS Massacre Interview


Today I was interviewed by the producers of the upcoming documentary, VHS Massacre, which chronicles the rise and fall of physical media from the origin of film all the way through the video store era and into digital media. The filmmakers wanted to question me on my take about how digital distribution, the proliferation of high speed data connections, and online piracy has hastened the demise of physical media like vhs tapes and CD-Roms. Much of the documentary focuses in the impact of the changes on B-movie and cult films.

The documentary is directed by indie filmmakers Thomas Edward Seymour and Ken Powell, two of the same gentlemen that produce the NewYorkCine Radio podcast on pop culture and film. VHS Massacre is scheduled to be released sometime in 2014.