Tech Training – Summer 2014


The summer is the time when I brush up on old skills or take the plunge and develop new ones. The plan for this summer was to initially focus all of my time on Objective C and iOS app development. That was until Apple announced that they were migrating to a new programing language called Swift. Since the info on Swift is still in the preliminary stages I will now either brush up on my mobile responsive design and JavaScript animation or try and tackle Ruby on Rails. I am leaning towards the responsive design and JavaScript because it would better prepare me to finally get started with PhoneGap and cross-platform application development. Continue reading “Tech Training – Summer 2014”

HTML5 Cheat Sheets

Some of you might remember that I took an HTML5 and CSS3 training class at Noble Desktop a few months back. The class made me acutely aware of how important the newest version of HTML will be terms of web design, video streaming and mobile application development in the future. I came across the following HTML5 cheat sheets designed by InMotion Hosting and figured I would share these documents Continue reading “HTML5 Cheat Sheets”