NY Cine Radio: Spider-man & The Retron 5

Spider-Man joins the MCU

This week the New York Cine team talks about the recent news that Sony and Marvel studios have come to a deal that will enable Spider-Man to officially join the Avengers and become part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In addition we also return with our special “Bit Rot” gaming segment in which we review the Retron 5, a console that plays NES, Super NES, Sega, and more! The guys and I Continue reading “NY Cine Radio: Spider-man & The Retron 5”

……does whatever a spider can!

It was a pretty good day for me. I had a couple of really productive meetings followed by an opportunity to reconnect with an old passion of mine that I have neglected for far too long, podcasting. Thanks to a good friend of mine I was asked to participate in a podcast about the new Spider-man movie with the guys over at NewYorkCine. I was brought in for my expertise on all things related to Spider-man and comic nerdism/geekdom. Plus I was one of the few people on the panel that actually loved the new Spider-man reboot more than the Sam Raimi versions.

Big up to my boy Thomas Edward Seymour for the invite. I had a blast. Here is to hoping they ask me back to help review the new Chris Nolan Batman flick, The Dark Knight Rises, later this month.

The Spider-man podcast with my commentary can be found here:

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