Copenhagen: Day One

Jonas and I at the Guiness Exhibit in DenmarkAfter getting settled in our hotel room the kids dragged us out to go see the city. We walked for awhile around downtown Copenhagen and did some shopping. I was determined not to go crazy shopping since the exchange rate of the dollar was so piss poor at this time. But I had to buy a new shaver because I forgot to switch the voltage adapter on the power supply of my old one and blew it up by accident. So much for reputation as a technical guru. I was tempted to let my facial hair grow wild like Grizzly Adams but decided against it since we were meeting some colleagues from LaGuardia for dinner later in the evening.

Anyway, I purchased a new shaver for 399 kroners. It seemed like a fair price for a crappy little shaver so I didn’t stress to much. However once I did the conversion from danish kroners to american dollars I was shocked to find out that the little crappy shaver, that I could have gotten for 20 bucks in Manhattan, cost me about 70 bucks. Needless to say I was pissed for awhile.

To get me out of my bad mood Ski took the kids and I to the Guiness Book of World Records exhibit. Jonas and I took a picture in front of the statue of the world’s tallest man. He and Nikita got a real kick out of it which made me feel a little better.

By the time we got to the Tivoli I had forgotten about the overpriced shaver and my mood had improved somewhat. Plus the kids were so hyped up by the excitement of the Tivoli that is was hard not to be in a better mood. Now I am not a big amusement park enthusiast but the Tivoli is different. Ski told me that with the exception of a few of the newer rides, the Tivoli hasn’t changed since she was a little kid.

Dinner that evening was nice. We meet some of our colleagues from LaGuardia for dinner in this quaint little restaurant in central Copenhagen. The food and conversation were great. Plus the kids didnt fidget too much.