The NYC Comic Con 2009: Attack of the Nerds

Chewie and Me

This weekend I took the kids and the wifey to their first NYC Comiccon. I figured that it was time to help them cultivate their inner nerds. It was a big deal for me since I remember my own father taking me to Comic and Sci-Fi conventions like this when I was a little kid. Back then it was pretty much a bunch of kids dragging their parents around to see all of these cool sci-fi and comic items.  Fast forward nearly 30 years later and now it is a bunch of parents dragging their kids around to see all of the same stuff.

The main reason that I went to the convention this year is because they had a ton of panels on using comics and graphic novels as a means to teach film and storytelling. In truth, I just wanted my kids (and my wife) to see that their father (husband) was relatively tame in his comic/scifi addiction. Well tame in comparison in some of the people at the convention. It is kinda hard to think that your father is that crazy when there is a woman in skin tight Dark Phoenix costume walking around on the show floor. She looked exactly like Jean Grey does in the comics, except that she was probably just shy of 300lbs. The only thing that was going through my mind was that Jean had really let herself go.

I was really pissed that my wife wouldn’t let me get any new swords. She said something about the kids accidentally cutting their heads or hands off. Blah, blah, blah, blah. I laugh when I told her what about what my father would have said about that. “Let’em learn dammit. Let’em learn”. For some reason Ski didn’t think it was funny. All of the ones in the picture are real swords. I was actually looking for some wooden bokkens (practice swords) that might look real under the right lighting for a fight scene I am shooting. The good bokkens sold out on Friday. I was so pissed off that I waited. The were selling for 5 buck a pop for some high quality ones.

The picture of me and the older British gentleman is one of my favorites. He is Colin Baker, the Sixth Doctor Who. He was very gracious man. I think I mentioned in a few of my older posts that I was becoming much more of a fan of the Older Doctor series. I never really watch them as a kid. But now they have grown on me. And yes, I know I am a total nerd.