Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Launch

So last night I get in late from teaching an evening class and my son meets me at the door in damn near a panic. He tells me they are finalizing the pre-order sales for “Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3” right now and we have to get to Gamestop so that we can get in line number for the 12am launch. Now keep in mind that I was hungry and tired before I started earlier teaching that evening, so at this point this is the last thing I wanted to hear. Son or not I almost told him where to go.

I knew the scene outside of the Gamestop was going to be a madhouse but I figured I could either brave the madness one night or listen to him moan and complain the next day. Since he didn’t have school the next morning, I knew he had planned on playing the game much of the following day. I made him come with me to the midnight launch thinking that this would teach him a lesson since he rarely stays up late and tends to get cranky when tired. This just goes to show you how dense I can be sometimes because wouldn’t you know he thought this was just the greatest gift ever.