New York Cine – Man of Steel Podcast


Last night I headed out to the land called Astoria to sit down with the guys from New York Cine and talk to them about my perceptions on the new Superman film, Man of Steel. This was my forth time on the show but my first time with them live in the studio. I usually Skype in for the interviews, but this gave me a chance to meet all the guys in person. I always have a great time with them on these podcasts because they are true film and pop culture nerds like me. Anyway, it was a pretty good discussion. So check out the podcast below.

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He changed the conditions of the test!


Once again I was interviewed by the team over at New York Cine on topics related to technology and pop culture. This time out I was asked to specifically talk about the new film by director JJ Abrams, “Star Trek: Into Darkness”. I was not a fan of the first movie. I thought that Abrams essentially damaged the franchise by implementing huge changes in the source material. However I was willing to give his take on Star Trek a second chance.

The movie was visually Continue reading “He changed the conditions of the test!”

New York Cine respects ‘da skills!


The stars are aligning for a brother. I am having one of those weeks where everything aligns and the world just falls into place. In my 47 years on the planet it has happen only a handful of times. It is right up there with sex, love and old school hip-hop. I had a great meeting with a group of educators that I hope to be working with in the coming months. I am keeping my fingers crossed.

Plus the interview that I done awhile back for the Film and Media web site, New York Cine, was finally released. I had forgotten that they sat me down to talk about the effects of torrenting and piracy on the film industry. Digital disruption at its finest. I plan to savor this ‘ish for as long as I can.

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……does whatever a spider can!

It was a pretty good day for me. I had a couple of really productive meetings followed by an opportunity to reconnect with an old passion of mine that I have neglected for far too long, podcasting. Thanks to a good friend of mine I was asked to participate in a podcast about the new Spider-man movie with the guys over at NewYorkCine. I was brought in for my expertise on all things related to Spider-man and comic nerdism/geekdom. Plus I was one of the few people on the panel that actually loved the new Spider-man reboot more than the Sam Raimi versions.

Big up to my boy Thomas Edward Seymour for the invite. I had a blast. Here is to hoping they ask me back to help review the new Chris Nolan Batman flick, The Dark Knight Rises, later this month.

The Spider-man podcast with my commentary can be found here:

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