I do crazy stuff when I get bored.


The fourth of July is kind of boring this year with the wife and kids away at summer camp. Still, I shouldn’t complain too much since I am a married man at home without the family for a couple of days. The little things like having the TV and bathroom all to myself are pure bliss. However the house is too quiet and I am trying to keep from going stir crazy.

Right now I am deciding on whether to go to the movies or wait around for my boy Adesola to come over and hang out like we used to do back in high school. Or at least I am hoping he rolls through and brings a brother something to eat. HE KNOWS I CAN’T COOK AND AIN’T GOT NO DAMN FOOD IN ‘DA HOUSE!

I spent the morning sleeping late and watching cartoons. I spent the afternoon at the dojo, sweating profusely and getting punched in the head. The early evening was spent putting together this killer Batman costume I have been making for Comic Con this year. I have some of the main pieces such as the utility belt, the gauntlets, and the boots. However I am still searching for a good cowl.

As always with making one of these suits you have to decide to either go with the old school skintight spandex or the more modern armored batsuit. Unless I am in much better shape by the time Comic Con and Halloween roll around I am leaning towards the modern look. It is more forgiving than the spandex. I don’t want to go out and get called “Fatman”.

New York Cine – Man of Steel Podcast


Last night I headed out to the land called Astoria to sit down with the guys from New York Cine and talk to them about my perceptions on the new Superman film, Man of Steel. This was my forth time on the show but my first time with them live in the studio. I usually Skype in for the interviews, but this gave me a chance to meet all the guys in person. I always have a great time with them on these podcasts because they are true film and pop culture nerds like me. Anyway, it was a pretty good discussion. So check out the podcast below.

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Up…up… and take it away!


The family and I just got back from the 12:45am showing of Man of Steel. Of all of the summer movies, this is the movie I have most wanted to see. This was especially true after the new Star Trek turned out to be such a disappointment. But while Man of Steel wasn’t perfect, and I had major issues with a number of the plot lines, I did enjoy the film.

However I now fully understand why some of critics hated it while others loved it. Let’s just say that I have a mixed opinion on the film. Without saying too much and spoiling it for those that haven’t seen it yet, this movie is reminiscent of how I personally view religion. At times it makes some really good points and offers you a strong guide for viewing the world, and then, at other times it goes totally off the rails and leaves you shaking your head and saying “that makes no damn sense”. Now before you go writing me off as a typical liberal professor, let me state my point with more clarity. If you don’t want to hear any spoilers I suggest that you stop here. Otherwise let’s get to the meat of the story………… Continue reading “Up…up… and take it away!”

To ink or not to ink…. that is the question!

As another birthday has passed I am finding myself increasing attracted to “extreme” activities like shooting, archerymotorcycle riding, mixed martial arts, and body ink.  The body ink has been especially foremost in my thoughts. I had an in depth discussion with my kids over dinner about the benefit of waiting until you are much older before deciding whether or not to get inked. My argument was basically a tale of how silly it would be for me today if I had gotten the tattoo that I wanted at 15. I would now be stuck with a full chest Iron Fist dragon tattoo instead of the far more sensible full chest Batman emblem that I am considering at 47.

I really think I am having a minor midlife crisis.


A dark night indeed

As long as I can remember I have had a special place in my heart for the comic book character known as Batman. More than any other fictional character, and if I am really honest, more than any real life person as well, Batman has helped to define my own personal and moral code. My mother, who is a fairly religious person, has lamented over the fact that I have never in my life asked myself “what would Jesus do”, but have on more than one occasion chosen a course of action based upon “what would Batman do”. With that said, as I sit here on my vacation Norway I  have been thinking about the recent shooting in Colorado during the midnight showing of “The Dark Knight Rises” and the Norwegian shooter from last summer quite a bit.

Anyone familiar with the Batman mythos will know that Bruce Wayne’s (aka Batman) parents were senselessly murdered in front of him while on their way home from watching “The Mark of Zorro”. Their murder marks a critical turning point in the life of the young Bruce Wayne. I keep thinking Continue reading “A dark night indeed”

If I can’t be famous, I’ll be infamous!

The martial artist in me is conflicted by the recent turn of events in Colorado, and the anniversary the mass murder in Oslo, Norway. The Norwegian gunman had more than an hour to hunt down and attack his victims. More than an hour, which means that he had to stop and reload at multiple points. As a person that trains in self defense based arts, I can’t help but think about what I would do if faced by such a threat. Would my training make a difference? Would I freeze or rise to the challenge? Are the arts that I am studying really effective in real combat situation? In truth, I don’t have any answers. I would hope that be able to protect myself and my loved ones. Or at the very least make the son of a bitch regret picking me or mine as a target.

My father was gunned down when I was fourteen as he was closing down his candy shop for the evening. The murderer was never found. Even as a young man I often Continue reading “If I can’t be famous, I’ll be infamous!”