LaGuardia & Bard Writing Workshop

Bard Writing Workshop

As a benefit of my participation in the LaGuardia and Baruch WID faculty colloquium I was able to attend an all day workshop on the process of defining “Academic writing”. The workshop was developed by English professors from Yale and Bard. A number of my colleagues in the WID workshop had attended a similar workshop last year and raved about it. LaGuardia was hosting a version of the same workshop for members of the English department. The leaders of the WID colloquium thought it would benefit the rest of us to have the same experience, so they acquired the funds to enable us to attend.

The workshop was both enlightening and a bit intimidating for me because I was out my academic discipline and the sole professor from outside of the English department. Now while I was an undergraduate Continue reading “LaGuardia & Bard Writing Workshop”

Coldfusion User Group Meeting

Coldfusion User Group Meetings

Those of you that have been paying attention to my recent post might have noticed that I have been spending alot of time focusing on my digital audio and video chops. As I result I have been getting nervous that I been letting my web design/development skills start to slip. So to make sure that I didn’t let that happen, I needed to get motivated. The quickest way for me to get motivated is to spend time around other Continue reading “Coldfusion User Group Meeting”

CIS and ePortfolio

CIS ePortfolio Cohort

Today was the first meeting of the CIS ePortfolio cohort that is being sponsored by LaGuardia’s Center for Teaching and Learning. The main purpose of the faculty group is to research the best ways in which the CIS department can integrate ePortfolio into the Introduction to Computers course (CIS 100). The CIS 100 course is a required course for many of the academic programs at LaGuardia, and as a result, is a perfect class in which to reinforce the technical principles of ePortfolio.

I was asked to participate in this ongoing seminar because, I had taken a lead in researching ways in which digital portfolios can be used to enhance the performance of students in technical disciplines. Continue reading “CIS and ePortfolio”

Hail Ceasor!!!

Now before you go telling me that I spelled the word “Caesar” incorrectly, let me explain. I woke up this morning to a ringing telephone. The wife and kids had gone to Easter service with my mom so I was actually able to sleep in late for a change. And as much as I love my mom, not even she can make me step inside of a church. But that is a story for another time. Anyway, the ringing phone woke me up. I hate waking up to the phone. Needless to say I was pissed. I was all set to flip out on whatever telemarketer had the balls to wake me up this early in the morning when all of a sudden I hear……

“Rock……what’s up my brother? It’s your boy Ceasor!” Continue reading “Hail Ceasor!!!”

New Toys!

The Canon HV20 and the S5 IS

I saved up and finally got some new equipment and software to replace some of my aging tools. I had been looking at upgrding to a HD camcorder for some time but waiting until the formats and prices settled down. So after nearly a year of vacillating back and forth, I took the plunge. I broke down and got the Canon HV20 that I reviewed in one of earlier posts, as well as the Canon S5 IS digital still camera.

I got the new camera in anticipation for the summer and some new shorts that I want shoot. I picked up both for under a grand from B&H Photo. Both are midrange cameras but take awesome pictures. I went with the HV20 over the newer HV30 because the black body and 30p mode doesn’t justify the extra 300 buck cost. I got the Powershot because I wanted a point and shoot camera with the ability to go manual as I get my photography chops back. Plus the Powershot takes awesome fullscreen (640×480 at 30fps) video for a still camera. The audio is excellent too. I purchased a big 8gb memory chip for under 40 bucks to store my footage. Since I mostly shoot content for the web, I won’t even need to carry my camcorder all the time since the S5 IS can do both movies and stills.

My baby is getting old!

Tita and me

It is hard to believe how fast they grow up. It seems like it was just yesterday when I was changing her diapers and pushing her around in a stroller. Now she is a little lady. I love her with all my heart….. but she still ain’t getting that $2,000 Macbook Air.

Daddy may be wrapped around your little finger but he ain’t crazy.

I loves me some free Knicks tickets!

J and J

As I posted yesterday, my boy Jeff Ice is in town traveling with the Pistons. He and my other boy, Des “D’Increbible” (don’t ask), all hung out a bit last night and kicked it old school. I remember busting their chops about not keeping in touch and causing my kids to think that I didn’t have any close friends. I guess Jeff took it literally because he calls me up the next day and asks me if me I want two tickets to the Knicks-Pistons game. My son has been bugging the hell out of me to take him to the Garden again so of course I jump at the opportunity. Continue reading “I loves me some free Knicks tickets!”

Where my dawgs at?

My boys!!

Every now and then the tone of a day can just turn around and head in a totally opposite direction. This was the case today. The morning got off to a rocky start because I was still feeling like crap from the cold bug that has been floating around. I had meetings scattered all throughout the morning and afternoon and wanted nothing more than to call in sick and rest up. I was scheduled to lecture in the evening and the prospect of talking for a couple of hours with this cold was not something I was relishing. However just as I was expecting the day to be a total drag, two of my closest friends in the world called to see if I was gonna be available to hang out later that evening. It had been a couple of years since all of us were in the same place. So after my evening class I sucked it up and I went to go hang out wit’ my boys. Continue reading “Where my dawgs at?”

WAC’ed at Baruch

Baruch and LaGuardia faculty
Now before you think that I am involved with something out of the Sopranos I just need to state that that nothing could be further from the truth. In fact I met with a group of faculty members today from LaGuardia and Baruch to discuss issues surrounding the Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) program that both schools have initiated. Selected faculty members from both schools have been meeting all year long to discuss how WAC, also referred to as Writing in the Disciplines (WID), can impact students and faculty in transformative ways.

The discussions that we have engaged in during the group sessions have honestly been some of most interesting conversations that I have had in while. I had been fighting the flu all week so I was very glad that I was up to attending. The opportunity to directly interact with a faculty cohort from a sister CUNY institution, and to discuss our different approaches to pedagogy, has helped me a great deal in thinking through the restructuring of the curriculum for the LaGuardia New Media Technology degree.

A Visit from Norway

Bagels for Norway
My mother-in-law and my nephew flew in from Norway last week to spend some time with us over the kids’ winter break. It was good to see them since we had not gotten together in a few months. The kids are always excited to see “Mor-Mor” and their older cousin Bjorn.

Their visit made me realize how much I miss being overseas.