2013 Five Boro Bike Tour


Today was an excellent day for our annual Five Boro Bike tour family outing. The wife and I have done this every year together for a least the last ten years. My son started riding with us in 2010. This was his fourth trip with us. This year was very different because this was the first major public event since the bombing of the Boston Marathon a few weeks back.

The police presence was overwhelming. There were numerous checkpoints throughout the course. I even spotted a few police snipers Continue reading “2013 Five Boro Bike Tour”

Rain, rain, go away!

The 5 Boro Bike Tour 09When the alarm went off this morning at 6:30am I almost cried. Sunday is usually the one day of the week that I am able to sleep in late. The kids were spending the weekend at Grandma’s house so it was the perfect type of Sunday to just lay in bed and watch TV. However, as we did almost every year, Ski and I had signed up to ride in the annual Five Boro Bike Tour a few months back, and today was the event.

I always enjoy this event but this year the weather was predicted to be cold and rainy for the entire day. Plus my body was still sore from the previous day when I accidentally caught an elbow to my eyebrow while grappling in Krav Maga class. So considering those factors, the last thing that I really wanted to do was ride 50 miles in the rain and cold. But with the kids and our busy schedules, it is rare that Ski and I get a whole day just to do something together on our own. So I manned up and dragged my behind out of bed to spend time with my wife.

Despite the rain and cold, I have to admit that the ride was fun. The course took us all over the city. We started in lower Manhattan and dipped all to briefly into the Bronx (i swear the Bronx gets shown no love in these events). From there we headed over a bridge back into Manhattan and down the East River Drive (even in the rain the ride down the East River Drive is always an experience). The we headed over the 59th Street Bridge into Queens then on to the BQE into Brooklyn. The final leg of the tour carried us over the Verrazzano Bridge and into Staten Island.

At the end we were wet and tired and cold. But I had a great time with my girl.

Da’ Bridge is over, da’ bridge is over

The Five Borough Bike Tour

Last Sunday Ski and I dropped the kids off at my mom’s place and rode in the NYC Five Boro Bike Tour. Now I know that I said that I would never ride with my wife again after the Great Norwegian biking debacle of 2007, but we do this race every year. It is a nice way for us to spend some time together. Plus since all of the roads are closed to traffic, there is almost no chance of me getting run over. Continue reading “Da’ Bridge is over, da’ bridge is over”