UFS Conference on Assessing Online Instruction

Yesterday I trekked up to John Jay College and took part in a panel discussion on the Virtual Classroom and assessing online instruction. The discussion was held at the CUNY – University Faculty Senate (UFS) Conference on Online Education.

There were breakout sessions on numerous topics dealing with the future direction of online education. The new Continue reading “UFS Conference on Assessing Online Instruction”

NY Cine Video: Recap of the Marvel film lineup

Last week I had the opportunity to co-host the New York Cine Radio podcast on the upcoming Phase 3 movies to be released by Marvel Studios. The team at NY Cine Radio asked me to fill in for one of the regular hosts, Ken Powell, who is finishing up his last semester at college. I was slightly nervous about having enough to talk about, but luckily Marvel and DC had made a number of announcements about their movie and TV plans through 2020. The nerd world was in a total uproar over announcements Continue reading “NY Cine Video: Recap of the Marvel film lineup”

#tweetMyClass: Social Media for the Classroom

I was recently part of a panel discussion at the 2013 CUNY Information Technology Conference on the academic uses of social media. The presentation included short introductions, followed by a roundtable discussion, in which the educators on the panel examined which social media practices they had employed over the years succeeded and failed.

The Slow Road Back: Solo Training

The kid is trying to get back into shape after a long and rough year on a number of fronts. It has been about eight months since I was working out on a consistent basis. Still, in that time I have been able to adequately maintain my weight and general health by eating right. However there is no substitute for regular exercise. Plus the wife and kids have been telling me that I am a great deal more pleasant to be around when I workout. Who could have guessed Continue reading “The Slow Road Back: Solo Training”

Publication Seminar

Path Seminar

Today I attended a workshop at LaGuardia designed to help junior faculty, like myself, identify greater opportunities to publish. The workshop was led by Dr. Jane Johansen of the University of Southern Indiana. Dr. Johansen is a very dynamic speaker and covered a impressive amount of material during the day long session.

The seminar today was the first of a series of workshops  being held over the course of the semester. This first workshop was extremely helpful because I was made aware of a few new journals that apply to my field. The other benefit was that I came away with some great concepts for the new articles that I am planning to write.


I spits hot fiyah!!

As I was doing some backup and maintenance on some of my old computers I came across these old music tracks that I made years ago. You see, back in the days after I graduated from college I had this crazy idea that I wanted to become the next hip hop star. It was more than an idea. I actually spent a great deal of time and money pursuing this goal. I came kind close a couple of times in making it a reality. In fact I might even try Continue reading “I spits hot fiyah!!”

Hail Ceasor!!!

Now before you go telling me that I spelled the word “Caesar” incorrectly, let me explain. I woke up this morning to a ringing telephone. The wife and kids had gone to Easter service with my mom so I was actually able to sleep in late for a change. And as much as I love my mom, not even she can make me step inside of a church. But that is a story for another time. Anyway, the ringing phone woke me up. I hate waking up to the phone. Needless to say I was pissed. I was all set to flip out on whatever telemarketer had the balls to wake me up this early in the morning when all of a sudden I hear……

“Rock……what’s up my brother? It’s your boy Ceasor!” Continue reading “Hail Ceasor!!!”