They really want a dog.

We babysat a good friend’s dog for a few days and now the kids and wife have been bugging me to get one when we get home. Personally I think that they are all just missing our pet cat who passed away a few months ago. Problem is that I am not a big animal lover. Plus having a dog in NY can be kinda unfair. But mostly, I just hate picking up crap. Still I have to admit that Trixie was pretty fun to have around.

A Visit from Norway

Bagels for Norway
My mother-in-law and my nephew flew in from Norway last week to spend some time with us over the kids’ winter break. It was good to see them since we had not gotten together in a few months. The kids are always excited to see “Mor-Mor” and their older cousin Bjorn.

Their visit made me realize how much I miss being overseas.

Returning home


So, I am finally back home after nearly ten weeks overseas in Norway. Needless to say, it has been very rough getting back into the swing of things. I definitely could get use to the European way of living. I find that as I am getting older and more set in my ways, NYC is not as appealing as it was in my youth. Continue reading “Returning home”