Trippin’ in Sweden

kids riding horses
Ski’s mom and I drove down to Sweden to pick up Ski and the kids from horseback riding camp. They had been gone for about six days, and to be honest, I missed them. It was funny because I was so excited about the prospect of being left alone for six whole days by myself that I couldn’t wait for them to ship off. However, as soon as they were gone I found it almost impossible not to miss them. The house was too quiet, almost to the point of being distracting. Irony is a bitch.

Anyway, Moms and I started out early for Sweden. Moms was gonna drive down so I didn’t have much to do on the way to Sweden but read and sleep. I had stayed up way too late the night before because I had to purchase the new Harry Potter book. Luckily I decided not to open the book until the drive down or I wouldn’t have gotten any sleep. The drive down was uneventful so I was able to plow through the first 300 pages of Harry before we arrived.

When I got to the camp I was very excited to see the family. The Ski and the kids came out dressed in their riding gear. It appeared that they had all really gotten into the whole scene. I was grateful for that since I never really developed a love for animals. I don’t hate them, but I don’t like to be around them either. Ski on the other hand loves animals. Cats, dogs, horses, you name it. So I must admit that was good to see that they take after their moms in that regard.

We stopped to do some shopping in Sweden before heading back to Oslo. Believe it or not, it is cheaper to buy stuff in Sweden than in Norway. I guess in that respect Sweden is kinda like Jersey. But without all the toxic waste and waaaaaay more meatballs.