Harry is Gangsta!

Harry is a horndog

I finally finished the book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. It took me much longer than usual to finish a book this size because the kids wouldn’t leave me alone. I swear they started acting up every time I got to a good part. It was almost like they had some kinda of radar letting them know that daddy was getting too relaxed. They did not appreciate the magnitude of the release of this books. Kids……go figure.

All I can say is that Harry Potter is gangsta. He could ride with me in a minute. What makes Harry so likable is that he is just an average kid and yet is able to rise up and do extraordinary things purely by force of character. Despite the spells and the magic, his real strength lies in the fact that he does what needs to be done.

I am not afraid to admit that I cried like a little girl at certain points. Seriously. Just like a little girl. This book made me angry, sad, happy, scared……you name it. I cried and cringed when certain characters met their final fate, and cheered when others did. The final showdown had me screaming. In fact, I haven’t gotten this emotional about a book or movie since they killed off Mr. Spock in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. The ending of Wrath of Khan had me straight up crying in the theater, but yet again I digress.

The Deathly Hallows was probably the best book in the series. And this series ranks right up there with Lord of the Rings and some of the other literary classics like Narnia in my opinion. JK hit a definite home run. I only hope that if she does continue the series at later date, that it on par the other previous books. Otherwise I hope she just leaves it the way it ends in the Deathly Hallows. Anyway, I think it is safe to say that this final book lived up to the hype. I just can’t imagine how they are gonna turn this into a movie without mangling the story.