New Media Capstone course

Since being appointed the Program Director for LaGuardia’s New Media Technology degree I have started to make revisions to the overall curriculum. One of my priorities is in establishing a more effective capstone course for LaGuardia’s New Media program. The final capstone course in the major, the New Media Project Lab, is being restructured to better prepare students for transfer to a four year university or for employment. During the past semester I have focused heavily on developing new activities and assignments that will help students refine their final electronic portfolios and thus, refine their career objectives. Eportfolios, also referred to in New Media circles as Online Portfolios, are critically important in assisting students in obtaining work in the field of digital design.

The field of New Media/Digital Design is extremely broad. As a result, there are various specialties in which our students can find employment. It is precisely for this reason that students need to reflect upon their interests, talents, and goals and have those sentiments integrated into their professional online portfolios. The earlier that this happens in their academic journey the better.

Some of the assignments that I have designed for my capstone course in New Media force students to look back at much of their previous work and identify patterns of interest. These patterns can help students to identify areas within New Media that can match up their passions with their talents. Once these interests are identified, we can better assist students on crafting an ePortfolio that will effectively market themselves to employers in their specialty field. Part of this reflective process involves both self reflection and group critique. Students are required to display their portfolio concepts, designs, and gallery pieces to the entire class for suggestions and critique.

The revised course structure and assignments were piloted this semester. I am pleased with the results so far. The true test will be in the spring when the students, with their new portfolios, start applying for jobs and transferring to senior universities.