iPad 2…..ehh!

Overall, I was very disappointed at what Apple announced today concerning their much anticipated update to the iPad. Let me state for the record that I absolutely love my 1st generation iPad. I love it so much that I touched my Kindle and netbook for the first time in months the other day only to brush the dust off of them as I was cleaning up my bedroom. And I loved both of those devises when they Continue reading “iPad 2…..ehh!”

They are not dolls! They are action figures damnit!!!

My wife continues to give me grief over the only things that I bought for myself at the 2010 NYC Comic Con. Contrary to her assessment, correct name for these items are “collectible action figures” and not “man dolls”. I have been wanting to try my hand at some advanced stop motion movies, so didn’t feel to bad about picking them up. My son and I did a basic lego Star Wars stop action a few years Continue reading “They are not dolls! They are action figures damnit!!!”

Go Trek Yourself

This is either one of the funniest, or the creepiest, things I have seen on the web in awhile. You got a black vulcan spitting the lyrics of Rakim in an offbeat monotone fashion. Yes I realize that I am a major nerd but the use of flash in this application is pretty original. You can upload a picture of yourself, type in some text and boom. You have just Trek’ed yourself. Continue reading “Go Trek Yourself”

The NYC Comic Con 2009: Attack of the Nerds

Chewie and Me

This weekend I took the kids and the wifey to their first NYC Comiccon. I figured that it was time to help them cultivate their inner nerds. It was a big deal for me since I remember my own father taking me to Comic and Sci-Fi conventions like this when I was a little kid. Back then it was pretty much a bunch of kids dragging their parents around to see all of these cool sci-fi and comic items.  Fast forward nearly 30 years later and Continue reading “The NYC Comic Con 2009: Attack of the Nerds”

I spits hot fiyah!!

As I was doing some backup and maintenance on some of my old computers I came across these old music tracks that I made years ago. You see, back in the days after I graduated from college I had this crazy idea that I wanted to become the next hip hop star. It was more than an idea. I actually spent a great deal of time and money pursuing this goal. I came kind close a couple of times in making it a reality. In fact I might even try Continue reading “I spits hot fiyah!!”

I need a stress reliever so…..

You gotta love torrents. I downloaded the latest episode of Doctor Who from the ‘net. The 4th season of the new Doctor Who series is currently airing on the BBC but it won’t be available in the US for awhile. However, I seriously needed a break after the LaGuardia ePortfolio conference, the kids, and my 25th high school reunion (I’ll talk about that later). Plus I just heard that my department is rumored to be undergoing a massive reorganization shortly. That type of change can always raise your stress levels. I’ll find out on Monday. Until then, I am gonna zone out for an hour or so and watch the good Doctor.

*Note to self….. I should really think about shooting a Doctor Who fan film after I finish “Dark Vengeance“*

I loves me some free Knicks tickets!

J and J

As I posted yesterday, my boy Jeff Ice is in town traveling with the Pistons. He and my other boy, Des “D’Increbible” (don’t ask), all hung out a bit last night and kicked it old school. I remember busting their chops about not keeping in touch and causing my kids to think that I didn’t have any close friends. I guess Jeff took it literally because he calls me up the next day and asks me if me I want two tickets to the Knicks-Pistons game. My son has been bugging the hell out of me to take him to the Garden again so of course I jump at the opportunity. Continue reading “I loves me some free Knicks tickets!”