New York Cine Interview: The Wolverine


I was interviewed on the New York Cine Radio podcast again. It was the fifth appearance on the show and this time I was asked to give my take on the new Marvel Comic inspired movie. I had to Skype in for the discussion because I was in Oslo for my birthday, and as part of what I hope may become an ongoing tradition, the family had taken me to a summer blockbuster midnight premiere earlier in the week. The film was none other than “The Wolverine“. The Hugh Jackman spinoff of the popular X-Men franchise was the one of the most anticipated movies of the summer. It was also one of my last opportunities to see an enjoyable summer blockbuster after the disappointing Iron Man 3, Star Trek: Into the Darkness, and the heartbreaking Man of Steel. Luckily Hugh did not let me down.

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Game Changers: The Community College Journal Interview

CC Journal

I had been so busy toward the end of the semester that I had forgotten that a few months back I was interviewed on the curriculum changes that I had put in place for the LaGuardia New Media Technology program. Steve Zurier of the Community College Journal contacted me to see if I would be interested in talking to him about some of the emerging technologies impacting digital media programs.

It appears that he wanted to feature my comments under a section on media literacy in his article. I agreed to speak with him and discuss the challenges in developing a technology based curriculum to address the changing economic and educational shifts facing college students. Since I had given a fair amount of thought on the subject over the past year due to having to draft the Periodic Program Review (PPR) for the New Media major, I hoped the interview would be painless. Luckily it was straight forward like I assumed. I am quoted in the piece on my approach to digital media curriculum design.

A digital copy of the article can be found here.

New Media PPR Presentation

As I mentioned in an earlier post, every five to seven years academic degree programs in the CUNY system have to undergo a process called a Periodic Program Review (PPR). Because I am the sole full time faculty member for my program, the research and drafting of the report for the New Media Technology degree became my responsibility. Last week I shared some examples of the process and action plans emerging from the PPR at the annual Instructional Staff meeting.

The following video is my presentation of the PPR report findings to the LaGuardia Community College faculty.

He changed the conditions of the test!


Once again I was interviewed by the team over at New York Cine on topics related to technology and pop culture. This time out I was asked to specifically talk about the new film by director JJ Abrams, “Star Trek: Into Darkness”. I was not a fan of the first movie. I thought that Abrams essentially damaged the franchise by implementing huge changes in the source material. However I was willing to give his take on Star Trek a second chance.

The movie was visually Continue reading “He changed the conditions of the test!”

The 2013 LaGuardia Publishing Reception

PresReceptions May13-Humanities

Yesterday I was happy to be counted among the scholars from the LaGuardia Humanities Department that were celebrated for academic and creative accomplishments. The 2013 President’s Publishing Reception is an event that is held every year to acknowledge academic excellence. It was also the first time that the definition of scholarship was expanded to include some of the digital presentations and research in which I have been engaged.  However while my presentations were recognized, many of my scholarly pursuits in the areas of application design and development were still looked at as supplemental work. As I stated in my recent article, it appears that there is still necessary work that must occur in order to change long held academic beliefs.

Behind the Seams at JITP – Changing Tenure Standards

A few weeks back I was interviewed on the process of publishing in the Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy (JITP) and what the future holds for digitally engaged faculty within the academy. The video above is an edited version of the conversation that I had with some of the editors at JITP on my experience in submitting a controversial article to them for publication.

I say controversial because over the past two years a large Continue reading “Behind the Seams at JITP – Changing Tenure Standards”

Changing tenure and promotion standards – JITP Online Journal

Finally, the article that I submitted on “Establishing a New Paradigm: The call to reform the tenure and promotion standards for digital media faculty” premiered today in the Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy. The focus of the article is to illustrate the challenges facing digital media faculty as they march towards tenure and promotion, and present a case for reform of the current system. The article was a deeply personal research project for me as it chronicled my journey through the tenure system at LaGuardia.

The introduction for the journal prominently featured a brief editorial review of my article that was rather positive. “Establishing a New Paradigm” was described as showing “how the tenure and promotion processes for most faculty working and publishing with digital technologies are ill-suited to recognize, reward, and nurture the intellectual and scholarly activities that such academics must undertake to stay abreast of rapid changes in their fields”. I was elated that the editors thought that I argued “forcefully that the academy must adapt its employment structures to more explicitly support and reward precisely the type of work that lies at the heart of the other three pieces in this issue”. I have to admit that those words brought a smile to my face.

A digital copy of just my article on tenure and promotion reform can be found here in pdf format.

New York Cine respects ‘da skills!


The stars are aligning for a brother. I am having one of those weeks where everything aligns and the world just falls into place. In my 47 years on the planet it has happen only a handful of times. It is right up there with sex, love and old school hip-hop. I had a great meeting with a group of educators that I hope to be working with in the coming months. I am keeping my fingers crossed.

Plus the interview that I done awhile back for the Film and Media web site, New York Cine, was finally released. I had forgotten that they sat me down to talk about the effects of torrenting and piracy on the film industry. Digital disruption at its finest. I plan to savor this ‘ish for as long as I can.

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……does whatever a spider can!

It was a pretty good day for me. I had a couple of really productive meetings followed by an opportunity to reconnect with an old passion of mine that I have neglected for far too long, podcasting. Thanks to a good friend of mine I was asked to participate in a podcast about the new Spider-man movie with the guys over at NewYorkCine. I was brought in for my expertise on all things related to Spider-man and comic nerdism/geekdom. Plus I was one of the few people on the panel that actually loved the new Spider-man reboot more than the Sam Raimi versions.

Big up to my boy Thomas Edward Seymour for the invite. I had a blast. Here is to hoping they ask me back to help review the new Chris Nolan Batman flick, The Dark Knight Rises, later this month.

The Spider-man podcast with my commentary can be found here:

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