Guilty Pleasure #1: The Venture Brothers

The video above is a series recap on the “Venture Brothers”, one of my true guilty pleasures. It is one of the few series in which I own every available dvd boxset. This season will mark the fifth series for the dysfunctional “Team Venture”. Not many younger viewers realize that the “Venture Brothers” is actually a spoof of the old Hanna Barbera cartoon series from the sixties, “Jonny Quest”.

While new episodes started on June 2nd, the Cartoon Network has made the first episode of the fifth season Continue reading “Guilty Pleasure #1: The Venture Brothers”

He changed the conditions of the test!


Once again I was interviewed by the team over at New York Cine on topics related to technology and pop culture. This time out I was asked to specifically talk about the new film by director JJ Abrams, “Star Trek: Into Darkness”. I was not a fan of the first movie. I thought that Abrams essentially damaged the franchise by implementing huge changes in the source material. However I was willing to give his take on Star Trek a second chance.

The movie was visually Continue reading “He changed the conditions of the test!”

The new Star Trek film

People that know me are aware that I have been a lifelong Star Trek fan. My friends are also aware that I absolutely detested the last Trek film directed by JJ Abrams. With that said, I can’t deny that this trailer has me more than a little excited to see the new movie.

My problems with the last film stems from the fact that while the action was great, the characterizations of Kirk and Spock were totally off. And I don’t mean just that there were different actors playing the parts. The script had them doing thing that Kirk and Spock would Continue reading “The new Star Trek film”

To ink or not to ink…. that is the question!

As another birthday has passed I am finding myself increasing attracted to “extreme” activities like shooting, archerymotorcycle riding, mixed martial arts, and body ink.  The body ink has been especially foremost in my thoughts. I had an in depth discussion with my kids over dinner about the benefit of waiting until you are much older before deciding whether or not to get inked. My argument was basically a tale of how silly it would be for me today if I had gotten the tattoo that I wanted at 15. I would now be stuck with a full chest Iron Fist dragon tattoo instead of the far more sensible full chest Batman emblem that I am considering at 47.

I really think I am having a minor midlife crisis.